Project Ideas
Are you interested in being part of the solution?
The 2021 docu-drama has brought to the attention of the nation the fact that more needs to be done for the children of the Centrepoint Community. This telling of the Centrepoint story has made it clear that this history has not been resolved, it has not been sorted. Need more convincing? Read the following blog.
Do you want to be part of the change?
If you were a child or adult of the community and you are interested in what next, please let us know what you feel you would like to be part of, what skills you may have to offer, and what resources you feel you can give. We do not have the answers but we have lots of ideas. Below are a list of some of the ideas which are being kicked around right now, and with enough support, may take off.
Join a face to face healing meeting with other children of the community | Investigate Maori restorative practices which might inform this process | Help with setting up a charitable trust |
Offer support to other children of Centrepoint | Participate in an educational workshop | Write your story down, by yourself, or with others |
Offer your ideas in written format | Offer your voice to group discussions | Join the Facebook "Centrepoint Restoration Project" for children of the community |
MAY 2021
Three brave women open up the Centrepoint story. They are coming forward to tell their story in the 2021 docu-drama "Heaven & Hell". In this interview with Anke Richter, they describe the truth and reconciliation project which is behind their involvement.
“This in essence is my goal. To set an example by doing what is good. If I live openly and honestly, I set an example of virtue, humanness, restoration, and healing. I give others permission to join me on my journey despite the fear of failure or the rejection it might elicit when they know they are not alone in their experience. The more of us who amass the courage to embark openly on this path, the more normal this experience becomes, effectively eliminating the tactic of shame and isolation that the enemy so often uses to cause us to falter.”
Breaking the Silence